Why Journaling is a Great Outlet for Self-Care

If you have ever kept a diary while you were growing up but stopped using it, now might be a good time to pick it back up.

Journaling has proven to be beneficial for our mental health. Other than it being cathartic, journaling can help us to alleviate stress, manage our emotions and to keep our thoughts in order.

While it might seem as just an extra thing to do, you’d be surprised at how uplifting it can be to release your emotions through writing. One easy way to work journaling into your routine is to take five to ten minutes to write down things you are grateful for either at the end of my day, or right before the start of it.

After establishing gratitude as one of your consistent writing prompts, writing down positive affirmations as a way to boost your mood and self-esteem is another tender way to show yourself the love you deserve. 

If you’re not too sure where to start, the internet is a great resource for finding prompts that you might find comforting to write about. There are also some really cool journals out there that can help motivate you to get started; there’s never any harm in making your self-car activities fun and unique to you.

While finding the motivation to start something new might feel a little draining, we can guarantee that working journaling into your routine will become an essential part of your every day self-care process. It’ll allow you the time you need to reflect, express gratitude and maybe even to heal, if needed. Take some time to slow down, gather your thoughts and pick up that pen and write some thoughts down. Your mind will thank you for it.


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