Benefits of Meditation

The hustle and bustle of life’s everyday responsibilities can be draining to say the least, and on top of that, we are trying to find ways of continuing as we were while dealing with the aftermath of a global pandemic. With your mind probably going at 100mph all the time, taking some extra time in the morning before starting your day might help in ways you’ll thank science for later.

Meditating in the morning, even if it’s only for five or 10 minutes, has proven to have amazing benefits. Meditation has been shown to improve our cognition, enhance our empathy and stabilize our stress, to name a few. The simple act of practicing mindfulness may help push you toward being a better version of you! Meditation, however, isn’t anything new; people have been doing it for years. Even today, practicing meditation has looked like it has been increasing in popularity. If you don’t believe me, Netflix even has a series about how to do it.

You can start incorporating meditation in your routine by practicing it right after you wake up. For about five to ten minutes, try to sit in silence and control your breathing, and from there, practice gratitude for having a great day as if it has already happened.

Deep down, all anyone wants is to live a happy and fulfilled life. In trying to do so, we often get swept up in life’s many obstacles and situations. Regardless of how busy we get, there is nothing wrong with slowing down for a little bit. It seems as if we live in a society where working 40-hour weeks and rarely getting any sleep gets celebrated instead of confronted with concern for one’s wellbeing. This kind of routine leaves little room for anyone to take a breath.

As Positively Psychology explains it, “meditation establishes a secure connection between our internal and external worlds.” With that being said, what a beautiful thing it is for a person to be aligned with themselves!

Honestly, it doesn’t even need to happen in the morning; dedicating any time of your day to meditating can benefit you in a lot of different ways, but you’ll just have to see for yourself.


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