  • This program is designed to focus on giving second chances to men who identify as in transition. Whether they are in transition from prison to entering the working world again or men who are becoming new fathers. 

  • Within this program, you will be paired with a coach that has had a second chance in life. In other words, your designated coach has been able to overcome a specific struggle and will share their story with you. 

  • If you choose to participate in Second Chances, you will have access to not only 1:1 coaching but also to group activities such as group hikes, kickboxing, etc. You will also be offered a strategy coaching session in which we will map out your goals and create a constructive plan to achieve your desired goals.

  • One example of a Second Chance’s success story was when a specific client came to us from serving time in prison. We helped support him in locating stable housing, finding employment, and getting signed up to complete his high school diploma. The success stories are endless! Join us to add to our running list.